Lakeshore Hotel Gulshan i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshLakeshore Hotel Gulshan


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House No 46, Road No 41, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesz
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9859995
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.790203, Longitude: 90.412342

kommentar 5

  • Mahshid Khan Shuvo

    Mahshid Khan Shuvo


    Located ON the road no lawn. Buffet has limited items (11-17) including desserts. Spacious hall for arranging official or casual get together. Stuffs are well mannered.

  • Anonymous nafis

    Anonymous nafis


    Its a very good place for big party event safely. Their security management lets you done your event very safely. Service is 10 out of 10. Behavior 10 out of 10. Very much satisfied by their service. The place is in also secured by guard & police. So foreigners also through party or event here with high secured safety....😍😍😍

  • Tawseef Khan

    Tawseef Khan


    We hosted an event at Lakeshore and we were happy with the service and staff behaviour. The food was quite good and the staff were very polite and helpful. We would definitely come here again for future events.

  • Asif hossan

    Asif hossan


    I just liked the environment, ambience, facilities & most of all food quality. The security of the hotel arranged our car to be parked conveniently. Security service was well behaved. Food quality was pretty much fine. Staffs were well behaved & helpful. Lunch was good and most of them are tasty. The price is very reasonable. One thing I've noticed is the guests' arrangements were very few. Hardly 30 people can accommodate in the dining. Car parking - Trustworthy, Reception & security - Well mannered, Ambience - Perfect, Food - Less but qualified items, Price - Very reasonable. Seating arrangement - Need to be better.

  • Tanzir Choudhuri

    Tanzir Choudhuri


    Very good service. Food quality is awesome. The facility in the premise is also decent. Food of the restaurant is very good. They have a North End coffee store at their lobby. Can arrange big functions. Cleanliness is high. Swimming pool and gym is quite good. They have sauna in the premise.

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