Hotel Orchard Suites i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshHotel Orchard Suites


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House No. 90, Block C, Road No 13A, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1985-555065
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Latitude: 23.7917769, Longitude: 90.4030567

kommentar 5

  • en

    enamul karim


    It's cheap and good food

  • Kaniz Zinath

    Kaniz Zinath


    I did like the place....there food variety is limited but taste good! Behavior also nice!

  • en

    Abdul Hye


    A decent hotel in a fantastic location at the heart of banani. The service is impeccable and they do a half decent Bengali breakfast too. Rooms are a little on the tired side but they are well appointed and generous in size. Prices seemed high in December and that's across Dhaka and this seemed fairly good value for money. Burger King is a few minutes walk and that's all my kids cared about!

  • Raquib A

    Raquib A


    Wonderful hotel to stay. Testy foods. Facilities for workshop and training. Excellent location. Nice rooftop. Very supportive service staff. But their elevator is to small.

  • David Adhikary

    David Adhikary


    I think one of the best (affordable) hotel in Dhaka. The managers and staff are really good. I rent their service for my foreign guests. Safe and quiet place at the heart of Banani.

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