Platinum Suites i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshPlatinum Suites


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Plot No 58, Road No. 11, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 2-55042355
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7909033, Longitude: 90.4029495

kommentar 5

  • Ali Hayder

    Ali Hayder


    Service is good. Food is good. Overall I the place is good as mid range hotel.

  • IS Moon

    IS Moon


    Food is good, service is good and people serving their is also very good. I was there for our office IFTAR party. A good place for small party, family dining where as you can also visit the place with couple. Interior set up is good for small function. The location is very good as it situated in the  road no-11 of Banani.

  • Tanzie R

    Tanzie R


    The Chinese restaurant here is awesome. I have been missing Chinese food for a while now, this place has awesome food. It made me home sick and it was all fresh. I was not too happy with the service because it was slow and there was very poor attention. The food however was amazing. I am bringing my sister when she comes to visit.

  • Anwarul Quadir

    Anwarul Quadir


    The place is well located in Banani. It has nice structure. The Bistro at the ground floor has some tasty food and seems that its open 24/7. The rooftop also holds a restaurant and has nice views. There is room for improvements. Some of the items are over priced for sure.

  • Maidul Islam

    Maidul Islam


    The infrastructure and facilities are not bad. But based on my experience I found the service to be on a below average rating. Has a lot of opportunities to improve themselves. Food is tasty and has a good variety in taste. Rooms are quite overpriced. But it is situated in a very convenient location near the Banani area.

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