Century Park Hotel in Gulshan Dhaka i Dhaka

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BangladeshCentury Park Hotel in Gulshan Dhaka


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House No 36, Road No 117, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9841083
internet side: www.centuryparkbd.com
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Latitude: 23.7856724, Longitude: 90.4186784

kommentar 5

  • Talat Kamal

    Talat Kamal


    The hotel is really well located if your business is located in the area (or in 3-4 kilometre radius) because of traffic. I have never stayed checked in so not sure of the quality of rooms, but judging from the lobby and general upkeep I would say there is little to worry about. The restaurants seem to have dropped in quality of food in the last few years. Hospitality is fantastic.

  • Arun Singh

    Arun Singh


    Nice place , good people

  • en

    Sanjib Kumar


    Dear Friends, Rooms are very small, toilet is like a cave & you cannot move inside. No space to keep your luggage. No facility to work in laptop. It is just a 2 star hotel (they mention 4 star rated hotel) & please do not confuse. Response from staff are not good. Foods are expensive. Please do not compromise your comfort. You can get many hotels in this range.

  • Chaitra S M

    Chaitra S M


    Comfortable stay, staffs are humble. Located in a diplomatic area away from all chaos.

  • KM Imran Al-Amin

    KM Imran Al-Amin


    Century Park remains one of my favourite boutique hotels in Dhaka. It is ideally located in a quiet location in Gulshan area and most corporate locations are at a stone's throw from the hotel. I had spent a couple of nights in an affordable Suite which was more than "Very comfortable". The hotel has a number of conference rooms that are quite useful. I had used one on the 1st floor for a workshop of 15 participants. It has a restaurant attached conveniently so the participants didn't have to move much. There is another conference room on the top floor where 50+ people can be seated conveniently. I attended a social event in this room last year. Overall, the service is excellent and the management is extremely professional in catering to customer requirements quickly. I hope they continue to maintain their quality of professional service in future. I highly recommend this boutique hotel.

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