Four Points by Sheraton Dhaka, Gulshan i Dhaka

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BangladeshFour Points by Sheraton Dhaka, Gulshan



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6/A North Avenue Commercial Area, Gulshan - 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 9609-444555
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7943242, Longitude: 90.4137837

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rezaul Islam


    Food price is very high, but tasty. There should be more variation. Nice place to have lunch or dinner with family. Interior is wonderful.

  • Kunal Kathrani

    Kunal Kathrani


    The best hotel in Dhaka one can stay at. Clean Modern rooms with superb air-conditioning, Good amenities for a business hotel, nice restaurant and above all, THE MOST LOVING STAFF WHO TRULY CARE FOR THE GUESTS. Thank you Four Points Dhaka...

  • Kazi Jonayed

    Kazi Jonayed


    Nothing but the best is in plate. whatever you may choose you will only find happiness. Nice and cosy ambience with ever smiling chefs and servers. Nice place eat out with your loved ones. compare to price the food gives a lot to choose from the quality options.

  • Jon Levine

    Jon Levine


    The customer service was top notch. I couldn't have asked for them to be any better. If you have any problems at all, expect them to be handled immediately, and incredibly professionally. The staff was amazing. The restaurant had a great breakfast and dinner menu and kitchen as well.

  • Nasheet Khan

    Nasheet Khan


    This place is not to be confused with their hotel that is across the street. It can be a little hard to find for people who have not been there. The food served at the dinner buffet is very appetizing. The range of food was to my liking. There was sushi, sashimi, grilled meat, and all kinds of desserts as well. I do believe that it is one of the more complete buffets as it caters to multiple tastes instead of trying to shove one or two particular cuisines down its customers. It's clean and the service from the staff is well mannered.

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