Hotel Sarina i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshHotel Sarina


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House no. 27, Bonani C/A, Road no.17, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9821111
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7933727, Longitude: 90.404674

kommentar 5

  • Faiyaz Ahmed

    Faiyaz Ahmed


    Buffet food quality is amazing plus tasty, i always appreciate quality over quantity. Also prices are very reasonable over competitors.

  • kazi rashid

    kazi rashid


    It's a Four star hotel which is situated at Banani.It's a nice place to stay.All types if facility you will get here like gym,swimming pool.They also offer buy one get one in Iftar Platter.Their dessert items are very good rather than other items.More than 80 items are available in their iftar menu.It's well decorated. The staffs are well mannered. The hotel is also very neat and clean.

  • Jakaria Jalal

    Jakaria Jalal


    Very popular in town, placed in the middle of commercial hub of the town, well decoeated and nicely maintained. Cozy and quaint place. Airport and embassies are very nearby. Lots of food restaurants are readily available. They have good restaurants as well with different flavor. Very composed hotel.

  • Shivang Agarwal

    Shivang Agarwal


    Best hotel ever from all my visits to Bangladesh. The rooms are clean and spacious. Best staff ever. Good food. And is conveniently located in a commercial zone. Good go Sarina. Must stay from my side.

  • Mokabbir Sarkar

    Mokabbir Sarkar


    I went there to attend a financial closure ceremony. So the dinner was customized buffet. If I take the opportunity of judging the food based on that experience, I would say I liked it. There were variations, not many though. The cold cuts seemed a little stale. The salads were fresh and balanced on seasoning. Apart from these, I liked their interior. However, they lack parking place of their own which is a problem should big events take place. Overall a decent hotel in the middle of the city.

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