Terra Bistro i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshTerra Bistro



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Torsdagåben 24 timer
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H# 58, R# 11, Block - F, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1922-110994
internet side: sheltechholdingsltd.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.7907824, Longitude: 90.4029335

kommentar 5

  • Ayat obaidullah

    Ayat obaidullah


    Good for a 3 am run, but their grilled chicken was disappointing. Go for the sandwiches!

  • Jone Risa

    Jone Risa


    The actual cost was more than double of what was on the menu. They didn't update it and didn't bother mentioning that when we ordered. Their service was good and they recompensated well. Great environment too.

  • Ashiqul Amin

    Ashiqul Amin


    24 hour café Finest local coffee beans Gourmet burgers   sandwiches. Freshly baked cakes   pastries.

  • Abu Sayeed Golam Moula

    Abu Sayeed Golam Moula


    cold coffee is simply awful... will never go there again :(

  • Nafiz Chowdhury

    Nafiz Chowdhury


    The actual cost was more than double of what was on the menu. They didn't update it and didn't bother mentioning that when we ordered. Their service was good and they recompensated well. Great environment too.

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