Yum Cha District i Dhaka

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BangladeshYum Cha District



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House 25, Road 11, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1752-329058
internet side: www.yumchadistrict.com
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Latitude: 23.7902335, Longitude: 90.4079673

kommentar 5

  • Rakib Arnab

    Rakib Arnab


    One of my favorite places in town. Their food is fresh and tasty. Service and ambience is also great. If you go there with two or more people, you must order the steamed fish platter. Its amazing!

  • Nuzhat Masud

    Nuzhat Masud


    Probably been their a hundred times already! Absolutely love this place. The ambience is nice. Food quality and pricing is perfect. I believe their Wanton in chilly oil, Garlic beef with kangkong and Honey glazed chicken with ginger are the must-try items in the menu. Overall, it’s A+ from me.

  • Md. Beruni

    Md. Beruni


    The experience starts in a great note with the serving of one of the best ginger honey tea I have ever drank and it's free and refillable. We had mixed feelings about the food. The chicken dumpling we ordered were great, however, their special fried rice and another item of sliced beef with sauce was not that tasty but again taste is subjective and this was our first time in this restaurant. About the price I will say it's comparatively cheaper than most of the restaurants around. The waiters were very friendly. But I missed a child's game zone badly as I was accompanied by a kid, hopefully they will look into the matter. Overall the place is recommended if you are not with a kid needing lots of tending.

  • Nafis Ali

    Nafis Ali


    One of the best authentic Chinese restaurants in Bangladesh. The place is cozy and very well decorated. Great for family dinners and regular hangouts with friends. They serve unlimited complimentary tea which is part of a Chinese tradition and the tea is amazing. The food is absolutely delicious and wholesome. The waiters are very kind and respectful. And lastly the price... it's surprisingly cheap! I love the place! Definitely will go again and again

  • ichiro azeez

    ichiro azeez


    Not a cozy place but there is great food to have with friends. Very affordable. Food price ranges 300-600. The environment is typical Asian with a more modern touch that's open and cleaner keeping it simple and all. When it comes to food, the food there's great. One of the best wantons and dumplings I have had so far.

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