Melange Coffee N Conversation i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshMelange Coffee N Conversation



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House 7, Road No 24, Block-K, Banani, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1672-918516
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.795895, Longitude: 90.408253

kommentar 5

  • Manish Shrestha

    Manish Shrestha


    They had really fancy Moroccan tea and cost seating areas. Loved the place, but I think the day I was there, the cops were giving them some problems so they had to close down while we were there.

  • Shiam Shabbir Himel

    Shiam Shabbir Himel


    a place to have shisha @banani. food is quite ok but will not tell scrumptious.

  • raisa amin

    raisa amin


    An amazing place to spend quality time with friends. Service is excellent. Food is good. Would like to recommend this place for a good chill.

  • Maruf Rahman

    Maruf Rahman


    Good place to spend quality time with friends . They have diffrent types of food.. Interior decoration is very good. They have 12 flavours of sisha. Staff members are polite and well behaved. Price is also resonable . Quite busy during occasions.

  • Ashraful Alam

    Ashraful Alam


    It's a good place to stop and take a break and have some light snacks. Specifically their Tom Yum Soup. It is also popular for its Sheesha lounge. They offer varieties of flavour for their Sheesha. They have some great salad items as well. Highly recommended. And forgot to mention that their interior is really soothing for eyes.

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