Tejgaon Railway Station i Dhaka

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BangladeshTejgaon Railway Station



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Station Road, 1208, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.7601388, Longitude: 90.3947582

kommentar 5

  • Probir Kumar Goshwami

    Probir Kumar Goshwami


    A local railway station of Dhaka. Usually used by local train passengers and for rail crossing. Customer service facilities and standards are poor.

  • titu sharma

    titu sharma


    Lots of local passengers are traveling by train from this station. This station located just beside Farmgate, Dhaka. Although there is some limitations but it's quite busy station. some local trains are stop in this station but I think more train should stop here because of demand.

  • Md Chhafrul Alam Khan

    Md Chhafrul Alam Khan


    It's a one of the Railway station in the Dhaka City. You can catch train from here. Help desk is available here. It's a one of the nearest railway station of the Komolapur Railway Station. It is very helpful for City people. Also, for travelers. Perhaps, you will like their services. You can easily visit this place using the Google map service. Thank you! - Md Chhafrul Alam Khan (RJ)

  • Hridoy K Dey

    Hridoy K Dey


    This station is about six minutes walk distance from Farmgate on the way to Govt Science College. Normally local trains and commuter trains give stoppage here. sometimes intercity trains give stoppage for crossing.

  • Md. Rahmatullah

    Md. Rahmatullah


    A train station or railway station (also called a railroad station, rail station, or depot) is a place where passengers can get on and off trains and/or goods may be loaded or unloaded. Early stations were usually built to handle passengers and goods. Today, goods are usually only unloaded at big stations. Stations are next to a railway line, or they are the terminus for a route. Usually there are platforms to let passengers get on and off the train easily and safely. Many stations have things such as shelters, ticket sales and benches.

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