Kamalapur Railway Station i Dhaka

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BangladeshKamalapur Railway Station


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Kamalapur Road, 1222, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1843-220622
internet side: www.railway.gov.bd
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Latitude: 23.73202, Longitude: 90.425922

kommentar 5

  • Bokor Rahman

    Bokor Rahman


    Bangladesh's most Busy Railway Station. 7 platforms to service All Trains from across the country. Very secure place and very clean Platform with resting place and Also awesome structure of The Station. There's A Digital board for Train schedule and many tickets counter also. In contrast Perhafs People can say Most Busy place in the City

  • titu sharma

    titu sharma


    This is the biggest railway station in Bangladesh. It is the main railway station too. It's platform length almost 1 Km. This station connected with all station of Bangladesh. Lots of train coming and going from this station. It has 8 platform. Platform decoration quite nice.

  • Biswajit Chakraborty

    Biswajit Chakraborty


    Central railway station of Bangladesh. You can go easily anywhere of Bangladesh from here by train. Beautiful place but very crowded. This station also famous for its beautiful design. This railway station located beside of Motijheel bus stop.

  • SM Nazir Hossain

    SM Nazir Hossain


    I had that question in mind about this station . Such as facilities, customer services and many other things you may count to get a good service. For the first time I visited this station and I was disappointed with the train schedule. The train left after 3 hours from the schedule time. But there's very minimum information you will get about that why it's late. Everyone blames others and no one ready to take responsibility. I had average pleasant journey on the train after it Departed from Dhaka to Rangpur. AC berth is quiet good and comfortable. The reached destination stations pretty much on time except departures late from the main station.

  • Ahmedur Rahman

    Ahmedur Rahman


    Largest and central railway station of Bangladesh. It is beautifully designed and established before the birth of Bangladesh. Train available to all major cities of Bangladesh from here. Recent renovation works make this railway station and overall rail service more comfortable and productive. Now new modern trains are included to service with modest maintaining schedule. Smart service like online ticket purchasing is now available. But due to our social culture railway is not getting 5 star! We have to improve much more! 👍

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