Dhaka Cantonment Station i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshDhaka Cantonment Station


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Tongi Diversion Road, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.8157286, Longitude: 90.4106036

kommentar 5

  • P L Arora

    P L Arora


    First station in Bangladesh for starting Inter country train connectivity from here to Kolkata. Best amenities available.

  • Ripon Chowdhury

    Ripon Chowdhury


    This is the first station to travel to India and Bangladesh's trains. Currently immigration and search work is done here. Although the harassment of passengers is reduced, there are many things going on in the system. There is a lack of management. This process has to be completed for a long time. Since the infrastructure is much earlier, the passengers have to take pain in sunshine or rainy days. There is no adequate provision of passenger services. But the work is going on. It is expected that the services will improve soon.

  • Jewel Kabir

    Jewel Kabir


    It is different from other railway station of Bangladesh.Almost neat and clean all of the day also very secured place.Moitree Express(Dhaka-Kolkata Train) start journey from here.... very nice place

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    It is different from other railway station of Bangladesh.Almost neat and clean all of the day also very secured place.Moitree Express(Dhaka-Kolkata Train) start journey from here.

  • Monir Uz Zaman Monir

    Monir Uz Zaman Monir


    Good environment as of comparing other station out there. Clean and spacious. But this station is now famous for international train service between BD and India.

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