Star Cineplex i ঢাকা

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BangladeshStar Cineplex


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13/3 ka, Level 8, Bashundhara City Shopping Complex, Tejgaon, Panthapath, ঢাকা 1205, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9138260
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7512047, Longitude: 90.3902296

kommentar 5

  • IshraqPriom



    One of the best movie experiences I had so far is in Star Cineplex! Just awesome. But 3 times I suffered a lot in terms of both the money, time and seat issues because of the people who facilities ticket sales. Few of them are totally clueless and don't know what the **** they are doing but some are good who comes into their rescue. But this issue is a huge problem, was for me. But the movies experience have been awesome

  • Tanmoy Mondal

    Tanmoy Mondal


    Best Movie Experience is only available at Star Cineplex. They have gone a long a way and yet kept their reputation high. There were some ups and downs but they have surely overcome every obstacle they faced. I really wish them all the best. Lots of love for bringing quality International Movies

  • Adnan Razzaque

    Adnan Razzaque


    Good place for watching latest movies. They have both 2D and 3D halls. But their 3D glasses not good enough. The service is good. Most importantly, they have 5 to 6 big halls and their ticket prices are considerably less than blockbuster movies.

  • Nasser Munshi

    Nasser Munshi


    It is one of the best place for watching movies. Plase is vary clean and decoration is awesome. Picture quality is so good and sound is mind blowing. Overall experience is so good. And I will definitely suggest this place for anyone. Tickets price is reasonable.

  • Tuzammel Hossain

    Tuzammel Hossain


    One of the best cinema hall I have ever seen. The 3D movies are awesome. I was really amazed by the picture quality and the sound quality. Perfect place for leisure period. Also a nice place for couples. Friends can hangout here. Overall I give it a 5 star.

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