Shyamoli Cinema i ঢাকা

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshShyamoli Cinema


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Shyamoli, Mirpur Road, 1207, ঢাকা, ঢাকা জেলা, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9117744
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Latitude: 23.7746402, Longitude: 90.3655653

kommentar 5

  • Shoyaib Forhad Meem

    Shoyaib Forhad Meem


    Complete Digital Cinematography; 5.1 Dolby Digital Sourround sound; Different Catagory tickets On Different Floors. Show Time. 12.00 PM; 02.40 PM; 05.30 PM; 08.00 PM. Good Environment. We offer a good environment for Family movie time; Food Court. Neat and Clean. Home · Show Time · Gallery ...

  • Sahidul Islam

    Sahidul Islam


    It's really good place to enjoy cinema with family. they redecorate their infrastructure and beautify the surrounding. picture quality is good within their offered price...

  • Mohammad Jahangir Alam

    Mohammad Jahangir Alam


    Once it was a renound cinema hall in Dhaka city. But a long time, likely few years cinema hall has been closed. Cinema hall Bhaban broken down and constructed a new modern shopping complex at that place but it is known as shyamoli cinema hall till now.

  • Mozahedul Islam Shaon

    Mozahedul Islam Shaon


    Nice environment. Sound and picture quality is good. They should add few more items in the cafeteria.

  • Nazmul Hasan

    Nazmul Hasan


    I Appreciate them because they used to show class and good movie. As per quality of the hall the ticket price is expensive. Sometime AC does not work then it becomes very hot inside. Mostly student used to go for watching movie. Authority does not allow outside food and inside food is expensive as well. Specially popcorn price will make you mad.

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