BGB Cinema Hall i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshBGB Cinema Hall



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Azimpur Road, 1205, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.7265873, Longitude: 90.377254

kommentar 5

  • Yusuf Rashid

    Yusuf Rashid


    This cinema hall is situated in the BGB gate no 1, near Azimpur, Dhaka. One of the oldest cinema halls in Dhaka. Popular within the local community. New movies are showing here almost every week. The environment of outside is typical, a large open place is in front of the cinema hall. Typical in the outside as well. Not an ideal cinema hall, mostly useful for the mass community, not appropriate for family members.

  • Anadrito Tonoy

    Anadrito Tonoy


    A movie theater for middle class people, enjoyable.

  • en

    Afroza Sultana


    its nice comparatively other Cinema hall at local area

  • Abdullah Almamun

    Abdullah Almamun


    It's a nice cinema hall to enjoy movies.i recommend you

  • kawser mia

    kawser mia


    One of the old cinema hall of Dhaka. Now a days C grade Bangla flim showing here. A wide premises can be used for car parking. BDR 1 gate, Hazaribagh, Dhaka.

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