Shishu Park i Dhaka

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BangladeshShishu Park



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Shahbag Foot Over Bridge, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.736906, Longitude: 90.397768

kommentar 5




    It's a nice place. But it is quite old. All the rights are quite old and some of them does not work properly. And the staff of this place does not maintain the role properly. But the place is still quite good.

  • Hasnat Sazib

    Hasnat Sazib


    Once upon a time, this place used to be one of the most attractive places in Dhaka city. But, now it has lost its previous appeal. Yet, it is a good place to hang around. And because of being a government park, the entry fee and rides also cost less than private parks.

  • Md Mahi G

    Md Mahi G


    Shishu Park is a place for children officially. But unofficially and mostly it's a gathering place for all ages. It's a wonderful place beyond description. In our daily mechanical lives when we're too tired of everything around us, then places like this can offer such tremendous peace to heart that can never be comprehend by mere words. This place offers Fun Rides for the children. There are Magic Carpet, Bumping Car, Flying Jet, Trampoline, Merry-go-round etc. This place is not that expensive. This is one of the places you should visit if you're ever in Dhaka.

  • Tahia Tasneem Monwar

    Tahia Tasneem Monwar


    A good place for kids. As this is a government park,so the rides are quite reasonable so people can go there with their kids easily. Rides are well maintained,though there should be some more rides. The place is neat & clean. But the food inside in there is the worst.they are tasteless & overpriced. Although it’s a good place to go on weekends

  • Soumyak Saha Dhrubo

    Soumyak Saha Dhrubo


    A very good place for passing a good time with your children, family or friends. You can spend your holidays or free times here within a very reasonable price & good environment. There are fancy rides for children & games also. They can safely enjoy them and can have an excellent time. Very suitable place for people of any ages.

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