Shaheed Zia Shishu Park i Dhaka

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BangladeshShaheed Zia Shishu Park



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Shahbag Foot Over Bridge, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.736906, Longitude: 90.397768

kommentar 5

  • Redwanul Islam

    Redwanul Islam


    শহীদ জিয়া শিশু পার্ক ঢাকা শাহবাগে অবস্থিত। বাচ্চাদের জন্য খুব সুন্দর একটি জায়গা। ছুটির দিনে ঘুরতে আসার জন্য আদর্শ জায়গা হিসেবে মনে করছি। বাচ্চাদের জন্য অনেক রাইড আছে। প্রতি রবিবারে শিশু পার্কটি বন্ধ থাকে। এছাড়া প্রতিদিন বিকেল বেলা খোলা থাকে।

  • titu sharma

    titu sharma


    This children park is known as Shohid Zia Shishu Park. This place is very nice for the children, family member and friend. different types of rides are available which can be ride by cheap rate that's why it is very popular. Different types of people are enjoy there specially during holiday it has big crowd.

  • en

    Md. Saif Ullah Bari


    To enjoy with kids. Very low cost but high enjoyment. This is the national children play ground in Bangladesh. This is operated by the government of republic of Bangladesh. Still now it is the most favourite place for kids in Bangladesh.

  • Saifullah nakih

    Saifullah nakih


    A very good place for passing a good time with your children, family or friends. You can spend your holidays or free times here within a very reasonable price & good environment. There are fancy rides for children & games also. They can safely enjoy them and can have an excellent time. Very suitable place for people of any ages

  • Bidesh Kumar

    Bidesh Kumar


    Park for children with Shroardi Uddan.

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