Civil Aviation Children Park i Dhaka

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BangladeshCivil Aviation Children Park



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Dhaka 1230, Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.8462911, Longitude: 90.4151

kommentar 5

  • Shariful Kader

    Shariful Kader


    It's a cozy place. It is located beside Civil Aviation School. Here, you can walk in the morning or afternoon. Can spend time alone or with the family. Its surroundings are very beautiful. Children loves this place very much.

  • en

    Md Nasir


    It is a calm place to be spent free time.

  • Ashish Chandro Akash

    Ashish Chandro Akash


    It's a nice park for children .

  • en

    Al Nahian


    it's like any other park for kids. There are some slides and swings for kids. Some places to rest. There is pond beside the park and also a garden. It is actually amazing that this place actually exists beside the busy airport. There is a mosque and a temple for the religious people. Me and my friends go there sometimes to take our mind of from our lives surrounded by technology. sometimes we also get the chance to see movie and serial shooting. oh! I almost forgot about the fast food shops and tea stall they all makes the place more grate

  • Munna Forever

    Munna Forever


    a small park. I liked it because it is not crowded. it is repaired recently. it is now more beautiful. you bring children here. surrounding of this park is also charming. may be you can't find such place without crowd near Dhaka.

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