Sea World Resort i Chittagong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshSea World Resort


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Zakir Hoassain Road, Foy's Lake, Khulshi, Chittagong 4201, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1913-531483
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Latitude: 22.3758778, Longitude: 91.7885667

kommentar 5

  • Makhluq Bhuiyan

    Makhluq Bhuiyan


    Fun place for kids & family. Got locker & change room facilities.

  • Syed Saiful Haque

    Syed Saiful Haque


    Good place for children. They enjoyed lot.

  • md.Redwanul Bari

    md.Redwanul Bari


    Really enjoyable visit please in Chittagong. take again childhood some friend if you go and forgot you are nice peacful please

  • Farsad Islam

    Farsad Islam


    Located by the Foy's Lake, it's a good place for weekend amusement with friends and family. Different water slides, rides and the wave pool are there to keep you busy in enjoying your time. Lockers and tubes are available on rent. Besides, there are restaurant & luxurious accommodation. The only downside is the high expense. There are 2 entrances, one is by road from the A K Khan Circle and the other is by boat from the Concord Amusement World at Foy's Lake.

  • Md Sajjad Zahid

    Md Sajjad Zahid


    Foy's Lake Resort Chittagong is a unique getaway in Chittagong where you can stay in luxurious accommodation while enjoying the natural beauty of Foy’s Lake and the entertainment of its two theme parks. Whether you are taking your kids on holiday, enjoying a corporate retreat or a romantic break, they have everything you need for an unforgettable experience. Whether you want to relax and enjoy the serene beauty or you want some thrills, they can cater to your needs. Open round the year, the Resort at Foy’s Lake invites you on a journey of discovery. The Resort is the only place in Bangladesh that encompasses spectacular landscapes, historical wonders, magnificent views and adventurous rides in one place. The resort overlooks the Amusement World and Sea World theme parks, as well as the magnificent Foy’s Lake with its seemingly endless green hills. They have something for children of all ages, watch them play and have non-stop fun until they are ready for a good night’s sleep in their room. Special Honeymoon Chalet caters to newly married couples, allowing them to celebrate in a romantic and beautiful setting.

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