Hotel Hilton City i Chittagong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshHotel Hilton City


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1681, Choumuhuni circle, Sheikh Mujib Road, North Agrabad, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1845-436222
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Latitude: 22.3326058, Longitude: 91.8119411

kommentar 5

  • Nabil Ibna Aziz

    Nabil Ibna Aziz


    I would give 5 star to the hotel but there was cockroach in there but the service was amaizing . And the ac room should be fixed cz sometimes it doesn't cool the room. Evrybody can stay at rhis hotel vry peacefully it is a great hotel for stay . This is one of the great hotel among chittagong that I stayed.

  • Rezwan Ahmed Chowdhury

    Rezwan Ahmed Chowdhury


    Probably Hotel Hilton City is the best hotel located in the Chowmuni, Agrabad, Chittagong. The rent is quite affordable. At of season you may get some discount depands upon the days of your stay at Hotel.The environment is clean and and well maintained. They clran your bed and room everyday even if your are not at hotel. Another important feature is the FREE! WiFi for all the guest. They really got powerfull high speed internet. The staff and room boys are good as well. With room they provide Toothpaste+ Toothbrush+Soap+Toilet Tissue+ Shampoo. They got a space of prayer as well. Once I checked in about 3 am at morning, but they were still awake.

  • Sharfaraj Mowla

    Sharfaraj Mowla


    Not bad at all but Manager Mr Raju is very bad boy...

  • Rezwan Islam

    Rezwan Islam


    Sei. Bt vla na... Charpoka ase ....

  • habibur rahman

    habibur rahman


    Nice clean and safe. There is a specific place for Muslim prayers also. Price also not that so high. So you can come and stay here without any doubt.

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