Well Park Residence i Chittagong

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BangladeshWell Park Residence


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Road # 01, Plot # 02, O.R. Nizam Road, Chittagong 4200, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 31-657035
internet side: www.wellparkbd.com
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Latitude: 22.35966, Longitude: 91.823172

kommentar 5




    Well Park Residence is one of the top boutique hotels in Chittagong. You will find all that you need to make the most of your stay exciting and comfortable. An ideal hotel for discerning travelers who appreciate the finer things in life, you can look forward to a host of excellent business and leisure facilities.

  • Saidur Rahman

    Saidur Rahman


    Interior is good. Room size is standard and well decorated. Service of the hotel is good. Rooftop restaurant is quite nice. Food quality ok. Buffet menu quantity & quality should be improved. Current standard does not match with the overall hotel. And the hotel has no swimming pool.

  • Sadia Ricky

    Sadia Ricky


    Good environment and nice hotel. complementary breakfast buffet available. There is a coffee shop and icecream parlor at the reception lobby. Parking is available. They can provide room service if you order some food.

  • Rashedul kabir Badhan

    Rashedul kabir Badhan


    It is the best 3 star hotel in Chittagong. One can feel home here. The rooms are totally nice. Complementary breakfast is quite delicious. It includes international & continental menu. Spa massage is available.

  • chayon karim

    chayon karim


    Great experience 😄, Room is average in size. Washroom is standard in size it couldn't called luxury but it will do with comfort. they have 3 resturant & 1 coffee shop including a rooftop barbecue. Breakfast is outstanding. Even it could beat some 5 star hotel's cuisine. I really love their staff. They are very professional and well mannered. However i choose this hotel for 3 times.

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