Roll Xpress Cafe i Dhaka

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BangladeshRoll Xpress Cafe



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House 34, Block B, Road No 21, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1720-100016
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Latitude: 23.7949689, Longitude: 90.4042351

kommentar 5

  • Mohammad Imam

    Mohammad Imam


    Tried many Indian starter. Most of them are very good. Few not up to the mark.

  • Riz1 Eyeman

    Riz1 Eyeman


    Best place in Dhaka for Rolls but price is higher if you compare with Kolkata. They also have an open area for smokers. Very nice atmosphere

  • Iffat Zerin Haque

    Iffat Zerin Haque


    I was a regular before and even after 3 years the quality and taste hasn’t changed. I am highly impressed that they have managed to keep consistency on their menu. I applaud the management. Thank you for keeping my favourite dish, chicken masala dosa, as amazing as it was before. And as you can see in the pictures we couldn’t even wait one second to take pictures of the palak paneer. Also, my husband was super impressed by your clean washrooms.

  • Band Deshi Md. AL-Mamun

    Band Deshi Md. AL-Mamun


    missing those days with it.. have lots of sweet memory over there... here all are good enough

  • Nazmul Huda

    Nazmul Huda


    It's been our favorite hangout place after office for last 9/10 years! The best part is the spacious open air space. The food and services are good. Menu includes different Rolls & Kebabs, Salads, Sandwiches, Chats and dhosas etc. Price is fair compared to the upscale service it offers. It pools a very decent crowd.

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