Preetom i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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32, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, 1213, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 1788-650022
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Latitude: 23.7936296, Longitude: 90.4048117

kommentar 5

  • Nabiha Maysun

    Nabiha Maysun


    Not defined by overloaded cheese sauce like other burger places around Dhaka but has their unique exquisite style. Definitely worth a try!

  • hasan kazi

    hasan kazi


    One of the very best burger shop in the city. Burgers are juicy, mouthwatering, and awesome here. Environment and crowd is decent too. But the authority may consider the seating arrangement more convenient and comfortable.

  • Ziaul Haque

    Ziaul Haque


    Preetom used to be one of the best burgers of the town. But the hype isn't there any more. They still offer pretty good burgers in different price ranges. But Take Out, Chillox grabbed the market and Preetom is losing market everyday. They should come up with some innovative ideas to regain it's position.

  • Mohammad Nazmul Hossain

    Mohammad Nazmul Hossain


    We have visited several nice restaurants, but this restaurant blows the rest out off the water. The whole experience is faultless especially the service and exquisite food. The waiters are so helpful and informative. It is worth the money as it is a meal you will not forget. We will definitely return.

  • Mushfiqur Rahman

    Mushfiqur Rahman


    One of the best Burger markers in the city. Their honest effort for making Bun, Petty and Sauces allows them to be the real Burger King of the city. They offer a wide range of Burger and none of those will frustrate you. Besides Burger, I tried their Spaghetti for once. Quantity was more than enough but the taste wasn't up to the mark.

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