Just Juice জাস্ট জুস i Dhaka

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BangladeshJust Juice জাস্ট জুস



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Gulshan North Avenue, 1212, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesz
kontakter telefon: +880 1611-244598
internet side: www.foodpanda.com.bd
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.8032238, Longitude: 90.4108152

kommentar 5

  • Rajiv Ashrafi

    Rajiv Ashrafi


    Great tasting juice. Quality has been consistent over the years.

  • Emran Mohammad

    Emran Mohammad


    good menu and good place to hangout if you are a tuner (car thing) otherwise it's a bit overpriced. Beware of mosquitoes after sunset as you mostly sit outside

  • en

    Andrey Bankaev


    Cozy place overlooking the Canadian international school. Near Gulshan park.fresh juices and healthy selection of food.

  • Foyzul B. Himel

    Foyzul B. Himel


    Its a small place near gulshan avenue park right beside Standard Chartered bank. They have coffee, juice and some cold beverage. The.coffee is quite average. They have sandwitches and cakes too which are not bad. This is a good place if you have to kill 20/30 minutes. But I wont recommend for a hangout here.

  • Arafat Hassan

    Arafat Hassan


    A unique juice bar with a menu of creatively designed healthy juices. Also serves sandwiches and wraps. Inside seating is very small but outdoor space is available. Tried two drinks and both were great and healthy. Chicken sandwich and tuna wrap was good too. Each is enough for one person. If not for the distance, I would visit often. Price is a bit high. Recommended for healthy eating & drinking!

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