Madhumita Cinema Hall i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshMadhumita Cinema Hall


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158/160, Motijheel, Commercial Area, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9550463
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Latitude: 23.7227695, Longitude: 90.4219035

kommentar 5

  • titu sharma

    titu sharma


    It is very old cinema hall in Dhaka. The environment of the cinema hall is good. Sound systems also up to the mark. The ticket price is reasonable for all kinds of people. This hall need to renovation. This cinema hall is popular because of its place. It's near the motijheel area.

  • Md. Ashaduzzaman

    Md. Ashaduzzaman


    It's one of my favorite cinema hall in Dhaka . Once I was a regular goer to this hall. Dolby digital sound , huge curved screen , central A.C. Ticket price is reasonable. But authority should revamp & repair the seating arrangement.

  • en

    Shajjad Mustafa


    Although it's one of the old cinema hall in Dhaka, I wish I could praise a little bit more and give goos review. I used to go to this hall every Friday to watch english movies but I stopped. Reason can be many if I want to pick. Seriously they need to upscale every thing.

  • M Moniruzzaman

    M Moniruzzaman


    Dhaka's famous cinema hall located in the prime location of Motijheel. Once upon a time it was famous for producing quality cinema in Pakistan & post Bangladesh period. As far as I know first digital Dolby sound system was installed in this cinema hall around Dhaka. Jurassic Park, Titanic and other notable movies were shown here and I along with my family enjoyed greatly as there is a calm and pleasant environment to enjoy movies with family. The security system is very tight and inner environment is praiseworthy.... here 'n there you'll find 50 to 60 years old cinema posters.... wall calligraphy and many things to remember.... you're always welcome to this cinema hall for enjoy the culture of Dhaka...

  • Md. Nadim Hossain Aslam

    Md. Nadim Hossain Aslam


    It's a very old, well known & famous movie theatre in Dhaka city. It's already take across its century years which is very historic news. The environment is average but the decoration is very appreciable. The theater is not air conditioned but there are lots of fan. They need to improve & clean their washrooms properly. Also need to prevent smoking around the theater area.

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