Khana's i ঢাকা

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DOHS, 1212, ঢাকা, ঢাকা জেলা, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1715-818714
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Latitude: 23.8075591, Longitude: 90.4280426

kommentar 5

  • An Extrovert's Diary

    An Extrovert's Diary


    The staff are not completely responsive. But that's only correct fewer times than you can remember. Other than this everything is fine. The food and the decoration is on point.

  • Mehnaj Abedin Anisha

    Mehnaj Abedin Anisha


    Best place for hangout with friends. Well decorated. Service was good. I like their chocolate cold coffee.

  • Tamim Bin Nazim

    Tamim Bin Nazim


    Overall good Quality food. But Unfortunately, I ordered an extra coffee. After 20 seconds I tried to cancel the extra order then they refused to cancel even after 20 seconds. I had to pay for that extra coffee. On the other hand Good Environment, Great Interior and exterior. Recommend for Everyone

  • Rakib Samrat

    Rakib Samrat


    A very beautiful place to have food and hangout with group of friends. They have excellent interior as well as amazing outdoor seating arrangement. They are well known for Cold coffee, Burgers and Sub Sandwiches. The price of food is also very reasonable. They don't allow any kind of celebration party. Above all, its wonderful place for all.




    The environment and the surroundings is very nice and comfy. There is smoking zones for the smokers. And also separate rooms for couples or for the foodies who like to have their food in a quite environment. Their food is very tasty and also the price is cheap. But they should really change their bill taking system as they don't take cards or bkash. Their bill payment system is cash only.

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