Chayer Adda i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshChayer Adda



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Ka-54/3 Bashundhara Rd Dhaka 1229, Bashundhara Road, 1229, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.8122679, Longitude: 90.4242017

kommentar 5

  • ashraf a

    ashraf a


    A very good quality tea coffee juice store

  • Salekin Raju

    Salekin Raju


    Milk Tea and Malai tea of this place is really great in taste. Recommended.

  • en

    takiona muteasi


    Locally famous tea shop. Proving various types of tea with an affordable rate.

  • Minhazul Islam Chowdhury

    Minhazul Islam Chowdhury


    Regular tea shop for nearby university students and passersby. Quality of the drinks are average. They use plastic cups for tea that is really bad for health.

  • Bengali Thoungts

    Bengali Thoungts


    Best place for drink tea. Basundhara's best tea sold here. They also sold coffee, sub sandwich, sugar cane juice, mango juice etc The kitchen area is very clean .I am very impressed. everyone should go there. But there is no seating place for drinking tea or other drinks. And much much more crowded in the evening. it's very annoying for everyone. Authority should take step for it.

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