Cafe' Underground i Dhaka

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BangladeshCafe' Underground



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KA 1/C, Bashundhara Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1738-521238
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Latitude: 23.8122734, Longitude: 90.4247559

kommentar 5

  • Rahman Arif

    Rahman Arif


    I was pleasantly surprised to find a Cafe with such a huge variety of coffees and very authentic and tasty food. Their pizzas and pastas are simply awesome. A very cozy and clean atmosphere. The foods are crisp and very fresh with generous portions. Thanks. Keep it up.

  • en

    Rahat Ahmed


    They had one of the best chocolate cold coffee when they were new and with very reasonable price.But day by day chocolate cold coffee’s quality is falling. The place have a really good vibe for hanging out.Though the place is a bit small but they always maintained cleanliness.Overall a good place to stop by for a short time.

  • Jacob Baroi

    Jacob Baroi


    I wouldn't say that the experience is terrible. You can sit and have food. But all I can say is that with the money I will be paying, I can get better food, more food and original food like coffee. Cafe Underground started as a place for coffee with desserts and other stuff. But their coffee is terrible? And moreover, the phenomenon of "Chocolate Coffee" was a hit which was an embarrassment to me since it's not coffee. Unless of course, you consider Milo, milk, Nescafe, sugar and chocolate chips mixed together and chupacabra says " This is COFFEE" Other than that, the food is overpriced and as I've mentioned before, I can bet better and more food within a 5min distance with a lower price. It is sad for me to write like this and I apologize if someone got offended but when you market your cafe as a coffee place where in your front banner; you see coffee cups; you expect coffee and not sugar rush stuff.

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    Nafay Choudhury


    Decently clean and modern look. Smaller than I thought but they work with what they have. The Lemon mocktail tasted a bit like medicine. No regrets but not a place I'd return to.

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    Mehnaz Khandaker


    For all day dining and excellent coffees this place is awesome. A classier place and great to treat friends. They are open as early as 7 for the morning wake me up cuppa coffee.

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