Cuppa Coffee Lounge i Dhaka

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BangladeshCuppa Coffee Lounge



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Building 11, Road No 46, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1703-555557
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.794257, Longitude: 90.413988

kommentar 5

  • zayn karim

    zayn karim


    Great value for money. Very good coffee.

  • Maimuna Khan

    Maimuna Khan


    Beautiful and spacious interior. Great place to hang out with friends or pass some alone time. Tried garlic mushrooms and french fries, which were ok.

  • Ibrahim Redwan

    Ibrahim Redwan


    I had a very bad experience. The place is nice but can not say same about the food. Ordered French fries, soup, coffee and a water. They provided a bun with the soup which was very hard (stale bun of few days) and later on they changed it upon request. The same goes for the biscuit with the coffee, had hard time to take a bite and just left it. The waiters being too nice (!) but lacked skills of serving. Overall, DISAPPOUNTED.

  • Mahbub Alam

    Mahbub Alam


    Calm & quiet environment. Can be arranged little meet up or seminar event also. Have projector + reflection paper facility, free wifi. Behaviour of waiter is good. Food items are tasty. Recommended for everyone.

  • Mohammad Redwan

    Mohammad Redwan


    Environment is really nice and the juice is good. Cuppa Coffee Lounge is situated at the very corner side of Gulshan 2 circle. it is a quite cozy place for the coffee lovers. They have a smoking zone also. Their coffee was good. The interior of the lounge deserves appreciate. overall it's a good place for coffee.

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