Chillox Banani i Dhaka

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BangladeshChillox Banani



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Banani, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1704-194488
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7937042, Longitude: 90.4046722

kommentar 5

  • Khalid Hasan

    Khalid Hasan


    The best in town. Started on a cart and now spreading their business in 3 outlets. The Banani outlet is humongous. Five star.

  • Minhazul Islam Chowdhury

    Minhazul Islam Chowdhury


    Burger's are awesome. just select your favourite one and add spicy level. price is reasonable and food has quality. the restaurant is also hygienic & pay first service.

  • Forkan Ahmed

    Forkan Ahmed


    Very Big place. The burger was unique. Most of the burgers were affordable. Sometimes it feels, they put way over sauce & mayo in the burger, Better to tell them while ordering to put not that much sauce. Other wise it will be hard to give a bite without getting your hand messy. Staffs were good but not managed properly. It is considerable as this is a new place. Overall it was a nice experience. Also attached the Menu pic

  • Rashad Mustafa

    Rashad Mustafa


    the place is great! the burgers are all really tasty and reasonably priced. in fact, I'd even say it's the best deal in Banani. unlike certain other restaurants, you don't have to pay extra for extra dipping sauce. I also love the service and their drinks. the smoke clears really well out of the smoking room, that's a plus point as well. the only downside is you have to speak loudly in the smoking room because of the exhaust fans. but it's all good. overall, I'd say it's a very fine place to grab a bite

  • Husne Mubarak

    Husne Mubarak


    The Interior Looks Good and it is a place for families and friends. Also have a smoking zone to chill out but the zone is good enough spaced out. Total arrangement of sitting is around 60-70 Peoples. The Food tastes great and it is one of the best burger chains in my opinion. The Menu contains all of the items for a customer. The Place is famous for the Extreme Naga Spice. Overall it is a great place to go.

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