Blockbuster Cinemas i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshBlockbuster Cinemas



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Jamuna Future Park, Level- 5, Ka-244, Pragati Avenue, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1913-399015
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8140392, Longitude: 90.4235506

kommentar 5

  • Rahat Mortuza

    Rahat Mortuza


    A good place to hang out. Even though the movie ticket prices are a bit high than its competition, the seat are really comfortable. One very negative side is the food prices. It is REALLY high. Apart from all this everything is okay.

  • Kirill M

    Kirill M


    Counter staff are extremely useless, can't wait for them to be replaced with ticketing machines. Confectionery counter staff suck, usually their card machine doesn't work. When u ask for extra butter they drown the popcorn in butter (RUINS UR CLOTHES). sometimes they skip scenes between intermission. Did I mention they turn on the light from the projector room so then the screen turns bright. This is the problem if u lack competitors in a location/industry.

  • Sabbir Shuvo

    Sabbir Shuvo


    The gap between two row, is so poor. You can't find your seat without hassle. And the other problem, they didn't mark every row with numbers. The video and sound quality didn't pleased me. Blockbuster have poor customer service knowledge. They manpower not well trained and professional. But I liked the environment.

  • Tanvir Sourov

    Tanvir Sourov


    They have good 3D Theatres now and the movie qualities are also great! Enjoyed few movies there including The Avengers Infinity War and Black Panther! They still have lots of scopes for improvement but they are in the right track.

  • Shafkat Shishir

    Shafkat Shishir


    Yes superb movies though the Hall are not as good as like other hall but comparatively for Bangladesh it's good enough based on location. But it would be far more better if they could join with some great taste food items with.. pop corn is in my mark 3/5 but sitting facilities is 5/5 as it's sitting arrangement is the way very much good. Price of ticket is also expensive so I prefer to minimize the price of the ticket like other cinema places have less ticket price. So in my view overall this one is good place to watch movie.

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