Uthan Cafe n Restaurant i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshUthan Cafe n Restaurant



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House-19, Ground Floor, Road No 12, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1764-201269
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Latitude: 23.7522247, Longitude: 90.3754851

kommentar 5

  • abedin safi

    abedin safi


    So we went out with thw friends to have a birthday bash, wanted a place to justify the soothing rainy weather, went in to the weather. It was a perfect match to the situation. The outdoor sitting is truly উঠান type. Food was nice too.

  • Tasrif Ahmed

    Tasrif Ahmed


    Food is really good. Price is quite responsible compared to quality. Great environment for hanging out with friends and family.

  • Forkan Ahmed

    Forkan Ahmed


    Very good place to enjoy time with friends And family. Comfortable seating arrangement with outside seating making the name 'Uthan' more meaningful. Food price was moderate. Taste was ok. We tried white sauce pasta, chicken tawa gravy, 2 varieties of Naan & lemonade. Staff were well behaved & responsive. Menu photo attached below

  • Rad Israk

    Rad Israk


    Very cozy place to spend any time of the day. Good for food and gossip, great for ambience. Newly refurbished place gives separation from the smokers, so different people can enjoy the restaurant evenly. Highly recommend to everyone to visit the place

  • intekhab Alam

    intekhab Alam


    nice ambiance. this place has outdoor seating facility along with indoor seating facility. since it's in Dhanmondi it's costly comparing to other conventional restaurant. Even there is a table where you can eat like korens sitting on the floor. but I didn't see much variance on their menu which disappointed me

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