Tejgaon Government Girls High School i Dhaka

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BangladeshTejgaon Government Girls High School


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Tejturi Bazar, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.7571832, Longitude: 90.3907214

kommentar 5

  • Probir Kumar Goshwami

    Probir Kumar Goshwami


    Roadside school just near to Farmgate intersection. Campus is secured with high boundary wall. Easily accessible.

  • Raquibul Hasan

    Raquibul Hasan


    Tejgaon Government Girls' High School is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was founded in 1955, making it one of the oldest public schools in Dhaka. The school runs from first grade to tenth grade, and prides itself on helping families to educate their children at little or no cost. It is administrated by the Dhaka Education Board.

  • en

    Asad Jaman


    Tejgaon Government Girls' High School is located in Farmgate, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was founded in 1955, making it one of the oldest public schools in Dhaka. The school runs from first grade to tenth grade, and prides itself on helping families to educate their children at little or no cost. It is administrated by the Dhaka Education Board. It’s a nice place for student. It’s on the bank of the main road. It’s the heart point of Dhaka City. It has nice environment to educate students that’s why parents like to send their children in this institute.

  • Parvez Ahmed

    Parvez Ahmed


    A very congested school near to Firmgate, Dhaka. The academic building looks like a great and architectural beauty. It has a field surrounded by its economic buildings. The environment of the school is very congenial. I guess the teaching quality will be the same.

  • T2's EpicTravel

    T2's EpicTravel


    Here I expend my best period of my entire life. I feel proud to be a student of 2000 batch of this renowned and historical school. Our teachers were like our guardian. They not only give us lesson from books but also give lesson for the life. They teach us norms, love, respect, honesty. Overall they try to build us as a good human being. Nowadays this things are rare in schools. Whenever I recall my school I become very nostalgic. Mouth watering street food was so cheap in front of our school gate. We never become sick eating those cheap street food. Rather those still remind us the golden period of our school. Till now whenever we passes through our school just have a visit inside the school grounds, in front of classes. Tejgaon Govt. High School is our pride.

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