Gulshan Lake Park i Dhaka

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BangladeshGulshan Lake Park



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Road No 63, 1212, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 1819-022264
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Latitude: 23.800439, Longitude: 90.4085024

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zaved Hossain


    The park is small, only 800 meters of walk path. But this is the most maintained and clean park in the city I think. They now have a small space arranged as a playground for children. Amazingly they have 5 star standard toilets inside. A small snackbar is there at the north-wast corner. The walk way has enough trees on both sides, which may prevent you from feeling the annoying Dhaka city heat and humidity to some extent. Parking is at the West aide of the park and they have guards, that's a big plus.

  • en

    Nusrat Haider


    It's the only park in dhaka which I found really soothing as a park! It has all the ingredients which a perfect park should have. It has nice walkway, some benches to sit and soothing view to witness. It's the most clean park even! It has a place for children's to play and a place but toddlers also but I always found it close. It's good to visit the place after sun rise and before sun set. I found it safe. Highly recommend for those who love to walk, jog or exercise with a soothing view and nature. Environment matters you know!

  • mohammed atique

    mohammed atique


    Great park! Probably the cleanest park in Dhaka. It's located in North Gulshan. Park is surrounded by Gulshan Society Mosque, American Club and Gulshan Avenue. It is 6-7minutes walk from Gulshan2 Circle. It is managed by the Gulshan Society. It has a beautiful pond. I have noticed some swan in the pond. It's not a big park, but it's just get the job done by providing little breathing space for city dwellers. Park has a little area for kids to play. It has a nice unisex restroom, little open space for private or public activities and a nursery. I forgot to mention the Walk way. Hopefully, Society continues to improve the Park.

  • Raunaq mn

    Raunaq mn


    One of the nicest and cleanest parks in Dhaka. There is a brick layered walkway, children play area, a separate play area for toddlers-this part remains closed for most of the time I don't know why. There is also a nursery where you'll be able to buy plants. There is a shop where you'll be able to check your blood pressure and sugar for a small fee, and this ship also sells water, carbonated beverages, vitamin water etc. Separate toilets for men and women. There are steel benches scattered all around the park.

  • Stephen Beaumont

    Stephen Beaumont


    I always enjoy this park. It's very well maintained and organised. The one way flow is great and makes the walking or running so much easier. Safety is never an issue with the guards standing watch. Simply enforcement of the rules plays a big part and allows everyone the opportunity to enjoy this park. Good job Gulshan park authorities 👍

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