Baridhara DOHS Lake Park i Dhaka

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BangladeshBaridhara DOHS Lake Park



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DOHS Walkway, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1844-008864
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8145389, Longitude: 90.4103673

kommentar 5

  • en

    Salim Hossen


    Nice place for walking and running.. And security system good. All foreign and Bangladeshi comfort this place...this place always cleaning and sound system good... I am a fitness instructor I like this place.....

  • Debarati Dasgupta

    Debarati Dasgupta


    Beautiful lake with clean and well manicured surroundings. The walking/ jogging track around is 540 meters. A lot of people enjoy their mornings and evenings here. On one side there is a children's park and basketball court. The DOHS mosque is also adjacent. Fresh fish from the lake is sold to residents in the mornings. In the evenings the lake is lighted up with decorative lighting. Overall a pleasant experience.

  • Kutub Uddin Durlove

    Kutub Uddin Durlove


    For walkers, it's a good and safe place no matter how late night it is. Has a basketball court, small football ground, kids activity, gym and cricket net. A swimming pool would've been a great facility among residences.

  • Ziaur Rahman

    Ziaur Rahman


    Nice place for walking, jogging. Night and day nice place for .. kids play zone , fishing , boat ride at day time. It is also safe place. Car parkings are available here. This park well decorated.

  • Absar Uddin

    Absar Uddin


    Very good environment. A big play ground for kids. Two separate play field for all. A very big pond where visitors can ride on boat and enjoy the surrounding. Park authority cultivates fish here and sell every day for the community. The whole park is planned for walking and running. A very nice mosque near the pond. One shop & cafeteria also inside the park area. ATM Booth also here.

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