Cyclelife Exclusive i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshCyclelife Exclusive



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Satmasjid Road, 1209, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1833-148297
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Latitude: 23.7418777, Longitude: 90.3738517

kommentar 5

  • Annur Majid Sabin

    Annur Majid Sabin


    Bad after sales service

  • Habib Ullah Bahar

    Habib Ullah Bahar


    Good budget bikes like Veloce as well as top brands like Saracen are available here. But I hate them for crappy customer service. You will have this awful feeling like they are doing a favor by selling bikes to you.

  • Tariqul Dipu

    Tariqul Dipu


    They sell all the best bicycles. If you are looking for the best source for buying your cycle according to your budget this is the place for you. From entry level to very expensive model they have those all. Cycle servicing is also very good

  • Shaer Ahmed

    Shaer Ahmed


    Visited to check the promotion that were going on a few months ago. Albeit the huge amount of crowd lurking in the shop, they managed to refer to my enquiries properly. The cycles are on display so that the customer can choose from a large collection of mtb, road bikes, fixies and others. I did not end up buying one though the price was very tempting but they will surely be my number one choice if i ever want to buy one.

  • Alif Rahman

    Alif Rahman


    This is the best cycle store in bd. I love it. They are really nice and they sell exclusive bikes. I bought my Veloce Legion 30 from there and the cycle is super!!

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