CycleLife Exclusive Gulshan Store i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshCycleLife Exclusive Gulshan Store



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Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, 1208, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1847-052141
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7709918, Longitude: 90.4056824

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ute Pfeffer


    Very friendly and helpful people - thank You very much - we absolutly can recommend

  • Manirul Hassan Chowdhury

    Manirul Hassan Chowdhury


    দেশীয় সাইকেল --বিদেশী সাইকেল --সাধারন মানের ও উচ্চ মানের সাইকেল এর জন্য অনন্য একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান --২ লক্ষ টাকা দামের সাইকেল ও এখানে পাওয়া যায় ।

  • Abir



    Good range of collection. you can find here branded bicycles. Sometimes it's hard to find spare parts for some of the new brand bicycles.but they try to give their best after sales service. Their behavior is good.Shop is organized and air-conditioned. Price is depend upon your brand choice. They have Facebook page you can go there and check the collection.

  • Asif



    Clean, Organized and Air conditioned cycle shop. Branded cycles & cycle accessories can be found here. They take a lot of time to assemble a cycle before selling, but their behavior & after sales support is really good. They are one of the best cycle shops of Bangladesh.

  • en

    Samir Ghosh


    Lovely bicycle 🚲 Showroom. Some unique bikes can be found here. Wonderful collection and awesome decoration. All good brands of bicycles can be seen. If some body are fancy bicycle lover then one can definitely make a choice from here. It is situated at the posh areas of the city so the cycles are very expensive too.

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