CSD Mobil C Store i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshCSD Mobil C Store



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Shaheed Sharani, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8715717
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Latitude: 23.8031431, Longitude: 90.3960378

kommentar 5

  • Md Abdullah Al Jobair

    Md Abdullah Al Jobair


    good and standard place to buy groceries

  • Riyadzh Mahmudh

    Riyadzh Mahmudh


    Car products at a reasonable price

  • Professionally Hunted

    Professionally Hunted


    It is your basic local convenient store which is actually decently sized. You can't use this place for heavy shopping but for daily stuffs, it is good. Groceries, food, household items and similar store items are present and the quality and quantity is nice as well. Just don't expect supermarket level choices inside. The stores around here provide a nice variety of services and it even has a parking space. There's a pumping station nearby which might cause long queues on the other side during peak hours. It is helpful to the residents who are leaving nearby as it provides most of the common daily items but don't treat it like it's supposed to be a supermarket.

  • A.K.M. Sharif Akhter

    A.K.M. Sharif Akhter


    Excellent for regular basic groceries. But can not expect to get everything there

  • Noor- E- Ayesha Rahi

    Noor- E- Ayesha Rahi


    A good place indeed for quick shopping, but there's is a lack of variety in the quantuty packages.

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