Baily Pitha Ghar i Dhaka

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BangladeshBaily Pitha Ghar



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New Baily Road, 1205, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-48322082
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Latitude: 23.7419452, Longitude: 90.4097182

kommentar 5

  • Kamrul Hasan

    Kamrul Hasan


    Baily Pitha Ghar is the maker of various kinds of Pitha. Pitha is one of most traditional food used to make in festivals as a part of celebration in villages. At urban area pitha is not much more available or people don't find the rural environment to fulfill the essence pithas. But Baily Pitha Ghar solves the problem and operating for a quite long time by serving pithas to the city consumers. As the food name suggested, this chain pitha shop not only serves but also serves breakfast, lunch as well as evening snacks. Their made foods are very tasty as as hygienic.

  • ataher hossin Shiblu

    ataher hossin Shiblu


    Baily pitha ghar (Bangla Name-বেইলী পিঠা ঘর) have to sell our traditional pitha or cake. its oldest shop in baily road. its famous for making pitha shop. its a hand making pitha shop. taste is good.

  • Ronne Zaman

    Ronne Zaman


    Pitha Ghar is the oldest brand of traditional cake of Bangladesh. They have started their journey from Bailey road but now they have multiple outlet in Dhaka. They have always make special arrangement in Ramadan month.

  • Murad Hassan

    Murad Hassan


    এই শহরে বসে গ্রামের পিঠার আমেজ পাইতে হলে যাইতে হবে বেইলি রোড এ।  বিভিন্ন ধরনের মজার মজার পিঠার জন্য 'বেইলি পিঠা ঘর' আসলেই জোস। স্পেশালি মালপোয়া আর পাটি সাপ্টা এই দুইটা অলওয়েজ আমার ফেভারিট।

  • Md Samiul Fahim

    Md Samiul Fahim



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