Coffee World i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshCoffee World



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House 98, 1st Floor, Road No 11, Block C, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-55041998
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Latitude: 23.7907659, Longitude: 90.4040719

kommentar 5

  • Animesh Ghose

    Animesh Ghose


    There are very few coffee where I often visit to drink a cup of coffee. Coffee world is one of them. I went their Banani bbranch recently. The space of the coffee shop is too small comparing with their Dhanmondi Branch. We ordered one cappucinnu and espresso. I ordered espresso for my friend as I am a cappucinnu lover. The taste of the cappucinnu was good. The amount of espresso can be increased I think. But whatever I got their its worthy.

  • Tanjheel Patwary

    Tanjheel Patwary


    Nice coffee shop. But the desserts was not up to the mark. But its is. Definitely a nice & friendly place for chatting & hanging out.

  • Maisha Maliha

    Maisha Maliha


    Had one of the worst experiences here! This place is surely very nice, cozy, well decorated and all. First of all, i kind of was shocked looking at the insane pricing of their food according to the quantity. But then i thought it might be very good and tasty so no regrets. I ordered 2 desserts here. And what I got was musty hard like rock food. I told them about this and they replied me, maybe i don't know the authentic taste of the food. Pardon me, I never knew authentic foods ar frowsy! Anyways not recommending anyone and never going there again.

  • nasir uddin

    nasir uddin


    It is a nice small coffee shop.. Perfect place for drink coffee working on laptop and spent your time..i went to this coffee shop everyday when I was in Dhaka on my vacation... And the stuff was extremely friendly and polite.. Love this place ..




    Very hygin clean and tasty coffee. This is the ideal place to visit for coffee or snacks All the staffs are very friendly and humble. They are genuinely helpful and polite. I wanted to stay few more extra minutes behind the closing hours ! They let me happily. Also I visited more than one occasions and found most of their coffees were great and standards are world class

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