Centre For The Rehabilitation Of The Paralysed - Mirpur i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshCentre For The Rehabilitation Of The Paralysed - Mirpur



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Plot A/5, Mirpur - 14, Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9025562
internet side: www.crp-bangladesh.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.8037507, Longitude: 90.3871593

kommentar 5

  • Zahid Khan

    Zahid Khan


    When I had full body paralysed I was admitted to good hospital 7 years ago. There are physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, pathological services etc. Also has special service for children. But management is not so good. Receptionist usually doesn't helpfull. Canteen has good food with reasonable price.

  • Md. Mahfuzul Karim

    Md. Mahfuzul Karim


    I made called to the Given Land Phone Number (on 08.05.2018 at 12.30 pm ) but the information desk is very Un-helpful and neglect to make any information. They just invite to go there and discuss with concerned person. No more information they wish to provide. So my question is why a nonsense guy appointed there to meet the public call ?

  • rakib hasan

    rakib hasan


    Wonderful organisation for special child, lots of facilities for disabled patients, well behaved, lots of facilities for therapy

  • Naim Hasan

    Naim Hasan


    My Institute is there.It is really good place without crowded and peacefully...

  • Md. Abdullah Al Mamun

    Md. Abdullah Al Mamun


    They are working for disabled peoples to get good medical services with low cost

nærmeste Hospital

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