AAlok Health Care & Hospital Ltd. i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshAAlok Health Care & Hospital Ltd.



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House# 1 & 3, Road# 2 ,Block# B, Section-10, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9007678
internet side: aalokbd.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.8088351, Longitude: 90.3682645

kommentar 5

  • Alif islam

    Alif islam


    It is very improved hospital. It has hi Technology things.

  • Nikkan Biswas

    Nikkan Biswas


    AALOK Health Care Limited, Mirpur (আলোক হেলথ কেয়ার লিমিটেড, মিরপুর) is a widely referred health care house which was established in 2004. Over the years of dedicated services, now they are becoming the symbol of patient care, precision and prediction. They used most modern and state-of -the art equipment and machineries. This health care center provides diagnostic and consultation services to the patients by renowned physicians and surgeons of the country. Accommodation of this health care center is so beautiful, neat and clean. Doctors and other stuffs are well behaved and expert. They provide a very high quality service. All type of investigations is available here. They provide emergency and indoor services. Emergency department is efficient. This health care center is fully computerized and 24 hours under CCTV monitoring. Surgery department is very well equipped and can also deal with complicated cases. Specialist: Gynae & Obs, DGO,MBBS,MS (OBS & GYNAE), Visit Time: 7PM-9PM (Main Branch)(Friday Closed) DR. ASMA RUMANAZ SHAHID Specialist: Gynae & Obs, DGO, MBBS, MCPS, MS, Visit Time : SUNDAY & TUESDAY 4.30PM-5.30PM, OTHERS DAY 7PM-9PM (FRIDAY CLOSED) DR. SHIRIN SHABNAM Specialist: Gynae & Obs, FCPS,MBBS, Visit Time: 6.00 PM to 8.00PM DR. SHAMSHAD BEGUM Specialist: Gynae & Obs DGO,MBBS,MCPS, Visit Time: 10 AM to 12 PM (Main Branch)(Friday Closed) ASST. PROF. DR. MASUDA ISLAM KHAN Specialist: Gynae & Obs FCPS,MBBS, Visit Time: 7 PM to 9.30PM (Main Branch)(Friday Closed)

  • Abu Sayed Molla

    Abu Sayed Molla


    Alok Healthcare Limited former Mirpur Diagnostic Centre is a new hospital located Mirpur original 10 established recently.

  • Abu Sayed Molla

    Abu Sayed Molla


    Alok Healthcare Limited former Mirpur Diagnostic Centre is a new hospital located Mirpur original 10 established recently.

  • Rasel arafat

    Rasel arafat


    AALOK Health Care Limited (Ex-Mirpur Diagnostic Centre), the widely referred health care house since 2004 has, over the years of dedicated services, become the symbol of patient care, precision and prediction. Equipped with most modern and state-of -the art equipment and machineries, this international standard facility provides diagnostic and consultation services to the patients by renowned physicians and surgeons of the country.

nærmeste Hospital

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