Banglar Mishti i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshBanglar Mishti


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62 Gulshan Avenue & Road-130, Gulshan South C/A Dhaka 1212, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.7819807, Longitude: 90.4169869

kommentar 5

  • Ehtesham Nawaz

    Ehtesham Nawaz


    Brownies are the tastiest of the tastiest.

  • en

    Gogle Gagle


    A beautifully designed and realized cafe offering a contemporary relaxed environment for enjoying a huge variety of sweets meats of all of Bangladesh. The space where the cafe is established was previously used as an art gallery. All the sweet meats are displayed like works of art /sculpture in a unique and interesting way. It's definitely a place worth visiting just for enjoying the scene. The sweet meats i tried were tasty.. prices were slightly on the higher side though.

  • Sajed Ahammad Sami

    Sajed Ahammad Sami


    Authentic sweets sourced from origin! Little pricey but worth the taste and experience. My suggestion will be to incorporate an element in the packaging to identifying the origin of the sweet and may be a short write up on it! The experience will then be more fulfilling.

  • Munira Munni photo

    Munira Munni photo


    অসাধারণ মিষ্টি।

  • Tintin Herge

    Tintin Herge


    A new outlet of traditional sweets of Bangladesh owned by Bengal Group. There is a coffee shop too. Interior is great but it doesn't have any view which is not good for a place like this. Sweets are good but not fresh. This should have been at a higher level floor with glass all around.

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