Walton Plaza Kuril i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshWalton Plaza Kuril



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KA-227, South Kuril, Pragati Sharani, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1678-028900
internet side: www.waltonbd.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.8150475, Longitude: 90.4213673

kommentar 5

  • choyonahmed Kawsar

    choyonahmed Kawsar


    Low price & quality product.

  • Muhammad Aslam Hossain

    Muhammad Aslam Hossain


    Walton is one of the reputed electronics brand not only in Bangladesh but also in the World. This branch is providing services on Walton products. Very easily, you can buy your expected electronics products from here. Such as mobile, PC, refrigerator, fridge, motorcycle and many more. They are providing installment facilities on their products. Its location is KA-227, South Kuril Progati Sharani, Dhaka-1229

  • Md Chhafrul Alam Khan

    Md Chhafrul Alam Khan


    Walton - It's a one of the renowned electronics brand in Bangladesh. This branch is providing services on Walton products. Easily, you can buy your desired electronics products from here. Such as mobile, PC, refrigerator, fridge and many more. They are providing installment facilities on their products. It is situated in Kuril Chwrasta right side enter point of Afsar Uddin Road, Kuril Chowrasta, Progoti Ave, Dhaka 1229 and near to OiiO International, Kuril Primary School, JW Marriott Hotel (Luxury Hotel) Dhaka. Perhaps, you will enjoy shopping here. Thank you!

  • en

    Shaibal Khastagir


    Good number of sample of freeze and refrigerator is available. Usually crowded. Need to increase number of sales person

  • blues nspire

    blues nspire


    Gentle and cooperative service. Service level so far is satisfactory. Hope they will keep up the good work.

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