Used Book Market i Dhaka

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BangladeshUsed Book Market



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Begum Rokeya Avenue, 1216, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.8079551, Longitude: 90.36816

kommentar 5

  • Showkat Murad

    Showkat Murad


    nice collection.

  • Abdullah al shafi

    Abdullah al shafi


    I just love this place... from text book to novel, poetry and fiction book available here. Its near the Fire service head office.

  • Sadman Ishrak

    Sadman Ishrak


    I thought that this place isn't good for buying books. But I actually found the books which I was looking for. I actually liked this place. If you are a new customer here, the shopkeepers will know. And they are gonna charge you a lot for the books. So, take preparations for cut throat bargain before you go.

  • Khandaker Basharul Aziz

    Khandaker Basharul Aziz


    various kind of books are sold here, many old original print books are found here, love this place for buying books

  • en

    Abdur Rahman


    One of the few remaining places selling old & antiquated book. Sometimes can find great bargain used books.

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