Twin Tower Concord Shopping Complex i Dhaka

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BangladeshTwin Tower Concord Shopping Complex



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Chamelibagh, Shantinagar (Bir Uttom Samsul Alam Road),, Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1711-136525
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Latitude: 23.7424669, Longitude: 90.4131299

kommentar 5

  • damnsaif



    It's an OK shopping complex. You should visit if you're in the vicinity. Have parking, escalator and lift. Product offerings are average.

  • mahim hamide

    mahim hamide


    This shopping mall is nice. You can get all those things you need without green vegetables and computer hardwares. Costs of things are not so expensive. Most of the people come hear to buy cloths, cosmetics, shoes and some think like those.

  • en

    Akib Ashraf


    This is a nice place for shopping. Here you can get many type of dress for both male and female. And here you can buy cosmetics for womens. In this Twin Tower there is a capsule lift and escalator strairs. The whole market is air conditioned. I liked the place

  • Shafiqul Islam

    Shafiqul Islam


    It is situated at shantinagor in Dhaka city. It is a modern shopping mall. It is popular for the people of Dhaka city. It is famous for garments. It is a neat and clean market. One can shopping here in peace. Security of this market is very nice. Behaviour of the salesman is also gentle and friendly. Price of the product is quit high. But they sales quality product. I love this market much.

  • Jakaria Jalal

    Jakaria Jalal


    This market is situated at Chamelibagh, Shantinagar, Dhaka. It is a big market. Previously the market was very popular and well equipped. But day by day it is loosing its customer. Clothes, jewelries, mobile phones, laptops and many other necessary things can be found ...

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