Tiger Garden International Hotel i খুলনা

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BangladeshTiger Garden International Hotel



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01, KDA Avenue, 9100, খুলনা, খুলনা জেলা, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1769-056368
internet side: www.tigergardenhotel.com
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Latitude: 22.8212298, Longitude: 89.5533236

kommentar 5

  • Zoha



    It's very comfortable for party. They have convention hall both type small n big. They also have restaurant. Overview n looking of the Restaurant's sounds good👌

  • Tawsif Rahman

    Tawsif Rahman


    Good for short term stay. Rooms are clean and cozy. But if spend much time in hotel, or bring your family on a vacation, don’t choose it. Value for money is ensured.

  • Shondip Adhikary

    Shondip Adhikary


    It's an amazing residential hotel having publicly opened restaurant. Varies conference, seminar are held here. Most important is they are offering free accommodation for students during university admission test.

  • Saiduzzaman Pulak

    Saiduzzaman Pulak


    Not much attractive from the front, but its highly decorated inside! Cost wise its great place to stay at Khulna. Having most of he modern facilities, this is one of the best hotel in Khulna. The rooms have refrigerator, ac, tv geyser, and others. They keep tea bags and suger in the room for free. And some other food items like chips, biscuits, etc. in the refrigerator and above it, those are for sale. Beds are comfortable enough. Clean and cum. Would like to recommend it. The most interesting part for me the iron in the room.

  • Tech Knowlogy

    Tech Knowlogy


    Nice reception area. Getting into the room and staying experience was good. I was there at mid-February. At that time breakfast time was 8 am which is a big deal breaker if you are planning to go anywhere outside Khulna. For a hotel for professional people, breakfast time should be at least 6:30 am.

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