The River Cafe i Barisal

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BangladeshThe River Cafe



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Police Line Road, 8200, Barisal, Barisal District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1713-393416
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.6962844, Longitude: 90.3670399

kommentar 5

  • Rumman Shahriar

    Rumman Shahriar


    my experience in this restaurant was never good. well once there was no good restaurant in Barishal. so most people didn't have many other choices. but now there are so many strong competitors in the market. but it looks like they just don't care. the prices of the dishes are comparatively expensive than others. i visited this restaurant many times but never found a dish which is loveable.

  • Asif Hassan

    Asif Hassan


    The river cafe is the old restaurant in this town. You get pizza , pasta , chicken fry , lacci and many items here. Their Lacci is so much tasty. Their food price is high if you compare with food quality. Inside environment is nice.

  • Tanvir Ahmed27

    Tanvir Ahmed27


    Near the barisal city. Well they have some quality snacks. You can go get some light food from there and pay money which is taste borne. But for dinner or lunch you may not chose this

  • Syed Tanvir Ahmed

    Syed Tanvir Ahmed


    Big team can gather here and they also welcome big team very warmly. Their sitting arrangement can be changed very quickly hence you can sit by anyway you like. Food quality is moderate and serving time is short.

  • Zakir Hossain

    Zakir Hossain


    Very good place with excellent view and seating arrangement. Offers a great variety of traditional Bangladeshi sweets. Pricing is a bit high but it's okay considering what they offer in terms of view, ambience and service. They have books and magazines to explore while you are passing time there. Good crowd. You can work for hours with good food, WiFi and beautiful ambience.

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