Symphony Brand Outlet i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshSymphony Brand Outlet



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Fortune Shopping Mall 71 Outer Circular Road, Malibagh, Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1760-676767
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7462675, Longitude: 90.4121351

kommentar 5

  • Aiman Kashif

    Aiman Kashif


    Great customer service, bad devices

  • All Rounder Media

    All Rounder Media


    All the symphony phones available in this outlet.they are all friendly

  • Shoyaib Forhad Meem

    Shoyaib Forhad Meem


    Symphony is the number one Chinese smartphone brand now a days in Bangladesh. It has several branch and show rooms in Dhaka city as well as Bangladesh. Camera quality should be more improve to achieve competition of another Chinese smartphone like Xaomi, Walton etc.

  • Farhan Rejwan

    Farhan Rejwan


    Symphony is the best Chinese mobile handset selling company in Bangladesh. And also this outlet is very good.

  • en

    Mahdi Hasan


    well, I bought a mobile set from there and since my home is nearby, I sometimes go and explore the shop to know about the new models of handsets. from my observations, I learned one thing about this outlet and that is its owner/owners believe in making less profit from a single sale compared to the other shops to make more sales possible and thereby they try to form a good relationship with their growing numbers of customers. I really appreciate their effort, and I congratulate them in their latest success.

nærmeste Butik

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