Sky City Hotel Dhaka i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshSky City Hotel Dhaka



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47 Shiddeshwari Circular Road (Beside Shantinagar Post Office), Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1708-561671
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.7434769, Longitude: 90.4126277

kommentar 5

  • Nazmul Islam

    Nazmul Islam


    Buffet quality and quantity was excellent. Nice place. Recommend the place.

  • MD Rezwan ul Alam

    MD Rezwan ul Alam


    Hotel look nice. Food also nice with good price. Reach hotel little bit hard due to huge jam in that area.other then nice.

  • it

    Antonio Carriero


    Hotel confortevole in zona ad alto traffico. Luogo ideale per la scoperta del luogo. Cibo di standard occidentale e personale molto cordiale e disponibile a risolvere qualsiasi problema.

  • Tahia Tasneem Monwar

    Tahia Tasneem Monwar


    Great ambiance. The quality of the food is great specially their thai soup & beef chilly. Behaviour of their staff is also well.Nice interior. Specially I loved their pool,it is clean & well managed bit they should arrange a sound system on poolside. & they have a big gym too,which can be used on daily,weekly or monthly package. Best wishes to sky city

  • en

    Jules Francisco


    I never expect that rooms are somewhat equally compared to a 5 star hotel rooms for the price of a 3 star... Bed are comfortable to sleep with, linens are clean and crisp. rooms smells good... the downside is the location and its room view. Food might consider an upgrade to international standard.

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